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Kopaline University is responding to students' challenges by providing extended student financial assistance, adapting its policies and streamlining processes to support students.
We help with the cost of post-secondary education through discounts, student grants, scholarships and flexible payment options.
We have simplified the aid process by including the detail in the application form. An acceptance letter will be sent to the students email with all the details of the student aid awards, you do not need to apply for student Aid programs separately. Once you are admitted to Kopaline, we will work closely with you and your family to ensure you can afford to attend Kopaline University whether on campus or Online. We always seek the best students regardless of their ability to pay, we are committed to supporting demonstrated financial need for all your student life at Kopaline.
We are receiving applications for the 2024 Program Year for classes starting between Jan 2024. All applications will be assessed on merit and demonstrated need basis by the Student Aid Board. Ensure you complete the application as accurately as possible.
How to Apply – 7 Easy Steps
Step-by-step instructions to apply for aid and scholarships
On this page:
1. Understand what Student Aid is
2. Find out what you’re eligible for in the application form.
3. Gather information for your application
4. Ensure your email Account is active
5. Complete your online application for a place
6. Submit additional forms (if required)
7. Wait for your acceptance letter which will carry details of Student Aid Awarded to you.
1. Understand what Student Aid is
Student Aid is aid that is provided to you as a student for you to get grants, scholarships, and awards to help you pay for your University education. Student aid may not cover all your costs, so you will need to plan on how you will pay for the difference.
You only must submit one application to be considered for grants and scholarship awards from Kopaline.
You should:
· Apply early. The only way to know for sure how much aid you will get is to apply and wait for your acceptance letter which will carry the award details. You should apply at least 30 days before your classes start so that you have time to figure out your finances.
Pay the Student Contribution before the programme start date. To secure your aid ensure you must pay at least a minimum of the 1st instalment of the amount left after taking out the student aid before the programme commencement date.
2. Find out what you’re eligible for
To qualify for student aid, you must:
· maintain academic progress
· meet residency or citizenship requirements for Zambia
· have a demonstrated financial need
· be enrolled in a program at Kopaline
, Clear all fees for the previous semester.
3. Gather information for your application
Have this information ready when you sit down to apply:
· Any proof of special talents or gifts such as sports, arts etc. this should include a list of awards you have received.
· financial information: amount of money you will get from your parents or other sources, expected reduced yearly income while you are in school if working, any other financial information that may be used to support your application.
· Dependent students must provide parents’ or guardians’ name(s), family size, number of children in family attending Kopaline University and Other Universities and Colleges.
· Students enrolled at multiple Universities, should provide the name of your primary university, name of your additional university fees and fees payable at those other Universities.
· Students with permanent disabilities, provide proof of your permanent disability, copies of a medical letter, disability assessment or documentation proving you are receiving disability assistance and estimate of equipment costs.
Prepare the information you need in advance to complete your application. This will make the application process easier.
4. Ensure your Email Account is Active
All students need an active email account to apply online. If you do not have an active email account get one now. Do not use email accounts that you have no access to. We communicate using your email accounts. Check your emails regularly in your inbox, where you will receive important messages from the University.
5. Complete your application
The process of applying for student aid is the same for all students:
All students to submit their application online by completing the online application form. No physical email or physical application will be processed.
If you need help with applying online, Contact Student Aid on
6. Submit additional forms (if required)
There are some instances where you may be required to submit/ attach additional forms failure to submit/ attach these documents will cause your application to be rejected. These records may include the following:
- Medical documentation for disability
- Marriage certificates
- Employers’ letter where there is an agreement of study grants during your university studies.
- Employers letters of limit of payment for your studies, where limit have been given.
7. Wait for Student Aid to contact you
If there are no issues with your application, it will take the admissions office a few days to process it. Most applicants will hear back quickly. However, in some cases it can take up to four weeks.
You will receive one of the following in your email account:
· An acceptance letter indicating how much aid and/or grant money you will receive, or
· A request for information missing from your original application, or
· A rejection letter.
If you believe you should receive more aid than what has been provided, or are not sure why you were rejected, you can request a review of your account using the appeal form.
For 2024 intakes the University Senate approved generous students' fees scholarships to benefit applicants regardless of circumstances. To get your scholarship offer click in the apply box above
Q. How easy is it to qualify for student aid at Kopaline University.
A. Every student is eligible for student aid depending on demonstrated financial need.
There is no formula for gaining admission to Kopaline. Academic accomplishment in high school is important, but we also consider many other criteria, such as community involvement, leadership and distinction in extracurricular activities, and personal qualities and character. We rely on school references, lecturers and counsellors, to share information with us about an applicant's strength of character, his or her ability to overcome adversity, and other personal qualities. Places available for both Local and International Students.
Appeals for student aid can are processed a month before program commencement. The decision of the Student Aid Committee is final.
Corner of Kasangula and Mukuni Road, Olympia, Box 36530, Lusaka, Zambia